Thursday, August 28, 2014

I have for you a link that I would like you to view by Tuesday.  It is a video on "What is Calculus".  It is approximately 45 minutes in length.  I would like you to post for me what you remember about the concepts that you will see in the video and what are some of the new items that you think are beneficial.
Mr O
Here is the video: Calculus: What is it?


  1. What better way to spend Labor Day? As I watched the video, I made a list of the things he covered and categorized my list into three categories. My first category was things I remembered. Under this heading, I put lines, limits (sequences), the general rule for angles, and derivatives (the long method). I had curves and the shortcut for derivatives listed under "iffy." I remember learning about them but don't exactly remember all the things necessary. It would benefit me to brush up on these topics. Lastly, I had my section titled "Clueless".

    1. Hayley,
      You did exactly what I was hoping for! THank you! Did you like the video?? I know it was long but I thought is was good.

  2. It wouldn't let me type anymore:( Anyway, in that category I wrote down tangent lines, integrals, and that complicated way of finding the circumference of a circle. I have absolutely no memory of any of those items. It would benefit me to touch base with those, as well.

  3. I thought that the integral stuff was new and the ideas on how they found the circumference and area of a circle were new too. The video brought up some math things that were learned last year.

    1. Peter,
      Thank you for the comments. I was hoping that you remembered some of the information.

  4. I made three different lists. The first list was titled, “What I already know”. The second list was titled “What I remember talking about last year, but still have forgotten”. The last list was titled “…huh?” On my first list, I listed the equation for slope, Pythagorean Theorem, area, limits, sequences, and that derivatives = slope. On the second list, I listed the general rule for interior angles and tangent lines. On the final list, I listed the complicated way of finding the area of a circle, integrals, and the differential equation. I with a lot of the items listed, I remember talking about them last year, but I do not remember how to do them, so I think that a review period would be helpful.

  5. Surprisingly I remembered a lot about calculus, but this video was also a good refresher. I remember all of the simple stuff he first explained and I remember what a derivative is. 33 minutes into the video he does a really good explanation of what d/dx sin x= cos x. That made a lot of sense to me and it was nice to visually see what was happening. I do not remember tangent lines that well and I did not understand the long and confusing explanation he made of finding the circumference of a circle. If we talked about integrals at all last year I did not remember, what I have a general idea of what they are now. I think I need to practice finding derivatives and integrals or at least review how to, but I understand the basics of them.

  6. This video covered many topics discussed last year; yet I remember how to do none of it. This is a joke of course. I remembered many of the basic topics discussed early on as well as the ideas such as tangent lines. Some ideas I’m sure we covered last year but I don’t remember: integrals, area/circumference of a circle, and differential equation.

  7. I was sort of surprised that I actually remembered more than I thought I did. Don't get me wrong the clip refreshed a lot of information that I had forgotten about. I remembered the Pythagorean Theorem, area, some limits, and some others. The derivatives are what I had forgotten about, but even though this helped plenty I'm still a little shaky on it. Also there were ideas that I had just learned and thought that the way he approached teaching them helped a bunch.
