Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Blog:   I have an article for you to read.  The article is "Why do I have to take Algebra?"
I would like you to read it and then respond to it.  I would also like you to respond to each others ideas as well.

Thanks, Mr Oliger


  1. To be honest, the tone of the author annoyed me. It contained a little bit too much satire for my liking. I agree with the author that algebra is important. I have always enjoyed algebra, so I do not think that I have ever really complained about it. I have complained about other math classes such as geometry and calculus. I am sure that this article could be applied to those classes as well as algebra. Unfortunately , this article did not really change my view on geometry or calculus.

  2. So why do I have to take calculus? I was not a fan of this article. The writer was full of sarcasm and it annoyed me a lot. I think algebra is important to learn because the simplest things involve algebra. That's what some kids do not realize. When you have to figure out how much time you need to spend on your hair after you spend 10 minutes showering and you only have 45 minutes to get ready...and you still have to do your makeup, get dressed, and eat. So that's why you have to take algebra, so you can schedule time wisely. I think. How does one respond to this article?

    1. And of course, scheduling time isn't really the main reasoning to using algebra. That was just the first time that came to my mind so I went with it. Algebra can be used in many other aspects of life, such as figuring out how many batches of cookies to take to your child's kindergarten graduation.

  3. Okay so I already wrote a fantastic response, but was deleted so this will be a short response. I wasn't a fan of this article just because it's 8 am and I really didn't have to read. Yes algebra is very important to many individuals not only for college bound kids, but the average person. Calculus not so much. What will you do when you have to determine how to buy food or supplies? Without math, especially algebra, the average person wouldn't be capable of living in todays society. Thank You

  4. Math is a constant. It does not change or waver from its original idea. Because of this consistency it has become a universal language. It is the same everywhere. Even if you don’t need it now, algebra is a basic level tool that will be needed at some point in the future of your career. Hayley is a great example of this. She reminds me of the girl named Tiffany from the article. She will start a career that is followed by an abrupt end with a new marriage. It is a given that this inseparable union will come to an end and Hayley will be back in the work force. She will be forced to the streets because she has no knowledge of higher level math (useless). In all reality algebra is a necessity in the working world. And even if you don’t use it every day, algebra helps us have a better understanding of arithmetic and other basic principles.

    1. So, Andy, are you saying that after we get married, we'll divorce later on? That is so depressing. I can't bear the thought of not being with you. You're going to miss all of our lampposts when I kick you out of the house.

  5. I agree with the article that algebra is important. The person who wrote this seemed very agitated and is probably a teacher or something that is fed up with kids. All of the quotations in the first paragraph were annoying. I think people think that algebra is challenging so they question its importance without realizing that they use algebra everyday. I think algebra is important but you don't need to get so sassy about how you feel about it like the person who wrote this article did.

  6. I believe that algebra and forms of math are important, but I do not believe that they should be forced upon individuals who are not willing to learn them. If people have no interest in a subject, it is hard to get them to retain the knowledge. And there are the occasional occupations that do not require math skills; however, they are not ideal occupations.
