Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Vince Lombardi says, "A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the little things that are worthwhile, it can be done."
I would like you to comment on what this quote means to you and how does it apply to what you are about ready to do after graduation.
Mr Oliger


  1. Lombardi is describing the ideal proposition of capitalism and the American dream. Essentially he is saying anything is possible, if you are willing to put the effort into your pursuit. When we graduate, we will have many more responsibilities accompanied by many new freedoms. If we align our freedoms in a way towards our goals while still maintaining our responsibilities, we will be able to achieve our goals. Sadly it is not always true, because super powers aren't real and super powers are my goal.

  2. Like Peter, I believe that this quote is used as a way to motivate individuals and express the idea that anything is possible. This is typically the reminder to many graduates when commencement rolls around. Going into the real world, we no longer have the constant guidance and encouragement of teachers and leaders who have been with us through our adolescence. This quote is one that is utilized as a reminder as we venture into our new lives because we will not always have encouragement from others.

  3. What Coach Lombardi is trying to do is motivate individuals that are down at a particular time. There is truth in the message that is being said as well. We all know that through hard work, drive, and determination anything is possible. I always relate these quotes to my uncles coon hound. This dog lived through a lot and had the drive to out hunt younger dogs when he was 14. I learned that no matter how bad you feel or think you feel you can always push through and achieve that goal. In the nearing future there will be times that we are down whether its academically, financially, or even emotionally; but, with the help of others and the attribution of those qualities we can and hopefully will achieve our goals and succeed in what we want to do.

  4. I also believe that this quote is supposed to be inspirational and show people that they can do whatever they set their mind to. I feel like people do not always realize that you have to give something up (sometimes) in order to gain something bigger and better. We often become lazy and want everything to be handed to us. Lombardi says that in order to achieve what we want to in life, we cannot become lazy. We must work hard and stay persistent.

  5. Coach Lombardi is describing basic laws of science. We will get out of life what we put into it. While college is a time to have fun and learn who we are, we must remember that we are there to learn. The harder you apply yourself and strive for excellence the more likely you will be to succeed. This is all very true except for people that attend IU with a Psychology major; they can never and will never succeed. (hint,hint)

    1. Okay, well when you're in my psych ward just remember who controls your medicine :)

  6. I think that this quote is meant to make people feel positive and inspirational, but it is also the truth. If you don't put any effort, you won't get far in life. This quote shows how not everything in life will be handed to you, and it won't be easy to achieve what you want to achieve. This quote can be applied to my life after graduation because I plan to go to college and in order to succeed at college and to graduate, I have to put in the effort to see the results that I would like to see.
