Sunday, October 19, 2014

As winter approaches, I would like you to give me your opinion on the fact that we must make-up all days missed.  I would like you to tell me if you believe that making up school has a direct impact on your education.  I would like you to give me ideas that you might use to replace the make-up days.  Please elaborate on all your ideas.
Mr. Oliger


  1. Even though nobody wants to make up snow days, I honestly feel that it is important that we do. I feel like if we did not have to make up those days, teachers would be forced to cram as much information into our heads possible in order to meet the state standards. We would have shorter periods of time to cover new materials. I feel like if we did not have to make up days, we would probably end up having more snow days just because there would not be a penalty. I do not think that there is anything that could replace the make-up days. I think we would be “shooting ourselves in the foot” if we chose not to make up those snow days.

  2. I feel that missing one day of school does not make much of an impact. When we miss multiple days in a row, that is when problems start to occur. Sometimes I can sense the effect in a class. For example, if a section/lesson was started with the intention of being taught over a two or three day time span, more time is often spent reviewing over the concepts all ready covered on the previous day(s). As far as actually making up the days, I can think of three ways to go about it. 1) Extend the day by adding an hour to the beginning and an hour to the end. Norwell High School near Ft. Wayne did this. They started school at 7:00 and dismissed at 4:00. After-school activities had to adjust accordingly. These extended school days were done over a period of 77 days in order to make up the 22 days they missed due to snow. 2) Another thought is to allow half-days once again. 3) We could also have the days but find reasons for the longest possible delays we are allowed to do. I believe that is a three hour delay. Then just go about that process until we have the days made up. Okay, I'm done.

    1. And I can see Andy saying that I googled the Norwell High School fact, but no I did not. We have a family friend who works there and she was telling us about it forever ago.

  3. I think that missing more than 4 days in a school year really makes an impact on school. If we just miss 1 or 2, I don't think it effects the amount that i would learn in a year as much. I think it is good that we make up school days, but I don't like it when they take up my summer break. I do not like our school schedule that we've changed to to be in sync with New Castle. I don't like having 2 weeks for a spring break. I think that the first week of spring break should be make-up days. I also think that we should go to school on our make-up days such as Martin Luther King Jr. Day in January, even if we haven't missed any days up to that point. They could easily take off a day at the end of the year to make up for it if we don't have any snow days. I also think that the extended school days like Hayley explained are a good idea, but I don't think more than 1 hour a day should be added, because more than 8 hours of school in one day including extracurricular activities and homework would cause most students a lot of stress.

  4. I personally do not mind missing a few days of school for a day vacation. A little bit of rest out of the ordinary routine can make the day we return more productive for some. Also even if we miss school and have to make it up, the make-up days aren't usually part of the plan and they are generally easier and much more laid back if they are at the end of the year. If we do change our schedule, people are bound to complain so I see no purpose in it. I believe if teachers maintain their test and due dates despite the school cancellation, students are responsible for looking up the information and completing the assignment themselves and will not be affected educationally.

  5. I am right there with Peter. I do not mind making up snow days. Snow days offer a break from the normal agenda of a school week. A break is especially nice considering that in the winter we are always cooped up inside and its only daylight for 3 hours out of the day. If we missed days we would most likely make them up over spring break which is a week too long as it is. A two week spring break allows me to get into a do nothing mentality right when we have to go back to school.

  6. Even though I disagree with Andrew on the spring break topic I do agree with him on the fact that days missed then made-up aren't that bad. The extended spring break is nice for athletes so that there is a good break for them. The make up days aren't that bad to make up because we get that little mid year break like Andrew said. In conclusion missing and making up days are necessary to keep our year running smoothly and ending on time.
